Container Grown Native Trees

Important Note
After nine wonderful seasons, I’ve made the difficult decision to cease operations at ForFaraz due to health reasons. All trees have been transferred to a site in Mono assigned for planting a Miyawaki Forest. I am thankful that Faraz’s legacy will live on.

Flora Nadafi

ForFaraz is a home for Ontario’s beautiful native trees to grow healthy and strong from their babyhood…. and then they move away like every young adult to live their wonderful lives in homes of their choices.

Come and see these magnificent shows of nature and offer them the best place you have.

The young trees that grow at ForFaraz enjoy many advantages, which are inherent to small scale operation. These include:

  • Every single tree gets special care and attention constantly and therefore, weeds never get a chance to grow and no undesired bug ever gets unnoticed and consequently being taken care of.
  • Absolutely no chemical solution hazardous to the environment is used on the trees.
  • The young trees are watered with “rain water” in the most effective way.

At ForFaraz not only native trees are grown in containers to later nurture our natural environment, but also let Mother Nature take over in surrounding areas and do what she does so perfectly, bringing back the native vegitation. However, sometimes a little  help is also needed in order to remove and eliminate invasive alien/non-native species such as Garlic Mustard or Dame’s Rock, again from Mustard family.

Therefore, the surrounding site at ForFaraz is now getting dominated by beautiful native wildflowers and plants. In spring there are Blue-Eyed Grasses, Ostrich Ferns, Wild Geraniums, Herb Roberts, Common Blue Violets, Solomon’s Seals, Blue Colombians, Virginia Creepers, Bicknell’s Geraniums, White Avens, Common blackberry, etc. blooming happily. And in summer and fall there are Self-Heals, Enchanter’s Nightshades, Common wood-sorrels, many types of Asters and Goldenrods, Philadelphia Fleabanes and later Daisy Fleabanes, Prickly Wild Roses and of course Common Milkweeds.

All this helps to get rid of undesired and useless lawn gradually and provide habitat for pollinators and wild life. The effects are already very visible. Many bees, butterflies, birds, are constant visitors at ForFaraz and… More monarch butterflies are also frequently spotted.

In addition, through tireless effort and patience, Bearberries are planted as ground cover to replace the lawn in some areas. It seems that they are doing pretty well and soon more pollinators and other birds such as hummingbird will be visiting…